Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life continues...

Chris returned to work and school (He's in school at PTEC for facilities maintenance training.) this week and Carey's back in Indiana so it's back to life, as usual. Luckily, my mom has been able to come out each day.

I'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than Audrey for at least a couple of weeks so I can't get Kyle in and out of the crib or up onto the changing table. Forget about into car seats and strollers, etc. so my mom has been coming each morning and getting Kyle out of the crib and changed and everything. I also can't drive for a while (sudden movements + percocet = bad driver), so my mom's chauffer for now.

Meanwhile, Kyle's back to therapy after a week off. The therapists were thrilled to hear that he took his first steps and ate a bit of french fry but he doesn't seem ready to do any of it again.

Audrey had her 1 week doctor's check-up on Tuesday and they say she looks great. She weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz.

Kyle had his opthalmologist appointment Tuesday afternoon and the doctor says his eyes are looking okay and he doesn't need glasses at this time.

Tuesday night, Hannah got to give Audrey a bottle (of breastmilk) and she was thrilled to her toes! She and Kyle just adore Audrey and are fascinated by everything she does. Kyle goes looking for her first thing when he gets out of his crib in the mornings.

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