Sunday, April 20, 2008

Home Safe and Sound

We came home Friday afternoon and have had some time to rest so I can now give a more detailed account of the past week.

Friday before the c-section, my dad and I drove up to Tampa airport to pick up my sister and her kids, Kathrine and Roy Gene. I had looked forward to this day for weeks. My sister and I are so close and she's been living in Indiana. I wore a mini jean skirt that still fit (a big pregnancy taboo - but who cares!) and my maternity t-shirt that says "Does this baby make me look fat?". I only regret that I didn't get a picture of myself in this outfit!

Unfortunately, shortly after we got to the airport, my mother called to say that the nursing home my grandfather was in had called to say that he was not doing well and may not last the night. While we waited for my sister, my dad tried to find a way to contact my aunt who was due to arrive at the same airport later in the night from Maine. We were only able to manage leaving a message for when she arrived to call right away.

After dropping me, Carey and her kids off at home, Dad left to join Mom at the nursing home to be with my grandfather. Around 5AM, my mom called to inform me that my grandfather had passed away. It's a relief that he's no longer in pain.

Saturday morning, we got up early and Chris watched Hannah and Kyle while Carey and I went to drop her kids off at their other grandmother's house and then on to my school for Open Lab. I got to do an echo and a partial carotid exam on Carey and also see my teacher one last time before having Audrey.

We had a baby shower Sunday afternoon thrown by my sister and mother at my in-law's house. Thank you to all who came.

Monday night, the kids stayed the night with my parents and once everything was ready for the next day - bag packed and house ready - my sister and I decided to go somewhere and play pool. The pool hall close by was way too packed so we ended up going down to St. Pete, to a small bar with a couple of pool tables and karaoke. My friend Jennifer joined us for the night and we played a few games of pool and sang a couple of songs.

Tuesday morning, we got to the hospital at 5AM to be prepped for surgery. The whole experience was much better than last time. Since it wasn't emergency, there was no rush and everyone was very light-hearted. They started an IV and gave me a liquid called bicitrate to keep me from aspirating into my lungs if I vomited. That stuff tastes disgusting, by the way. The nurse-midwife Robyn and Dr. Igel (pronounced 'eagle') came to make sure I was ready and that everything was prepared and then sent me off with anesthesia to the operating room. We had already met with the anesthesiologist the day before and arranged for a spinal block rather than general anesthesia. I wanted to be awake and alert to see and nurse Audrey as soon as she was delivered.

Chris went into the waiting area and I went into the operating room. They started the spinal block and checked to make sure that it was taking effect the way it was supposed to. My legs got very warm and numb very quickly. Unfortunately, I started to get very warm, dizzy and nauseous right away, too. After vomiting, I felt better right away, though. The doctor, nurse-midwife and all the other medical personnel in the room chit-chatted throughout the procedure without even a hint of stress. When I heard Dr. Igel announce the time of initial incision, I asked "What did he say?" because Chris was still not in the room. He quickly said, "Is someone getting the husband?" and Chris came in a second later.

It was a very interesting experience. Last time was so stress-filled with a nervous quiet in the room, I wasn't able to fully realize the experience. This time, I felt each painless tug. It was fascinating to feel the difference in pressure when her head was delivered while still being completely without pain. As soon as she was cleaned up, they handed Audrey to Chris and he brought her over to me so I could see her. She had her face scrunched up and twisted in annoyance and she was a funny shade of white from being just delivered so she was quite a sight but within minutes, she calmed down and her color changed to a nice pink and she was as adorable as they come. They announced her weight as 7 pounds 3 ounces. Chris had predicted that she would weight 7 pounds 2 ounces but the nurse-midwife Robyn was thoroughly surprised. She said she would not have expected more than 6 1/2 pounds. She's so small that she drowns in newborn clothes.

They brought us back to the room where Aunt Carey and Uncle Caleb were waiting and Audrey was placed in a warming bed to bring her temperature up. Once her temperature was normal, they brought her over to me to nurse. She didn't hesitate at all. She latched on right away and nursed (as my sister said) like she had been doing it all her life! My parents, Hannah and Kyle, and Chris' parents all came during the day to see our new little addition. While Hannah and Kyle were at the hospital with us, we gave Kyle a french fry to taste. So far, he's just been kissing and licking food but he actually took a bite off the french fry and swallowed it! He made a face but at least he ate a bite.

The next night (Wednesday), a neonatologist evaluated Audrey and said that she had lost 12% of her birth weight. Anything over 10%, they worry. They had us start supplementing with formula after each feeding. The next morning (Thursday), the lactation consultant came to work with us and see what was the problem. She helped us to get a stronger latch and worked with me on positioning to get the most out of each feeding and even had Audrey's nose suctioned out for better nasal breathing. She also recommended to the neonatologist that we supplement with my breastmilk instead of formula so they loaned me a pump. I think a large part of the problem was simply that she falls asleep almost as soon as she's latched on.

Thursday, my sister's kids, our friend Jason and my classmates Beth and Scott came to visit at the hospital. During the afternoon Carey, Chris and I got to witness Kyle's first steps!!! Chris had Kyle by the fingers, standing, and let go to see if he would stand in place by himself and instead he took a couple of steps!!! It was so amazing that we got to see it happen. I thought for sure that he would do it some time when I wasn't there and I'd miss it.

Chris was on diaper duty while I was in the hospital since it was easier for him to get up and down. At one point, while he was changing Audrey's diaper, she managed to poop and pee on his hand. She looked pretty proud of herself. I told him to just be glad she wasn't a boy.

Friday morning, the neonatologist and Dr. Igel both gave clearance for our discharge. My staples were removed, we watched a really boring discharge video and were finally released at almost 3PM. My sister and I went to the store quickly to pick up a couple of preemie size outfits for Audrey since she's so small. She actually fits into Hannah's baby doll dress that matches her own dress she got for her birthday.

My parents came over with my dad's famous "cheese dish" that night and the kids all ran around with high energy. Kyle seemed to feel a bit left out. He really wanted to play with Hannah and Kathy but they were more interested in playing with each other. He kept wandering into the bedroom and standing up beside the cradle to look at Audrey. He quickly figured out how to say Audrey and loves touching her cheek and saying her name.

My sister and her kids left bright and early (well, early anyway...) Saturday morning. My parents picked them up and brought them to the airport since I obviously wasn't up for the trip and wandering through an airport yet.

Since then, we've just been taking it easy and taking turns napping mostly. Kyle has started saying "puter Audrey" or "Audrey puter girl". It took me a while to figure it out but apparently "puter" means "pretty". He just adores her. Hannah, meanwhile is mostly just fascinated by how Audrey gets milk from me. She also loves Audrey and is always asking to hold her.

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