Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Again

Kyle's been doing well. He's off the IV fluids and as long as he's awake, he's off the oxygen and monitors, too. He's only on a minimum amount of oxygen when he's asleep. He has to be off the oxygen for 24 hours without problems before they will release him but he's been in good spirits. Below is a really short video of Kyle dancing.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Looking Better

Kyle's been doing well. He's off the IV fluids and as long as he's awake, he's off the oxygen and monitors, too. He's only on a minimum amount of oxygen when he's asleep. He has to be off the oxygen for 24 hours without problems before they will release him but he's been in good spirits. Below is a really short video of Kyle dancing.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back at the Hospital

At the pediatrician's orders, we brought Kyle to the emergency room at All Children's Hospital Thursday around 1pm. At around 9:30pm, they admitted him.

He's negative for RSV and for pneumonia but his respiratory rate is very high and labored and his oxygen saturation levels are very low. He appears to have just gotten a common cold and his lungs just can't handle it. He has a 5 month old roomate with the same signs and symptoms.

He's on 2 liters of constant oxygen through a cannula and he's getting nebulizer treatments of Albuterol every 2 hours (which makes his heart rate pretty high). He's also getting Tylenol periodically (just for comfort - he doesn't have a fever) and antibiotics for a slight ear infection.

Currently, he's getting a LOT of sleep in between pokes and prods from nurses and techs. When he's awake, he's a little spaced out and not his lively self but at least he's not as miserable as he was before they put him on the oxygen.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Crawling Little Man (with video)

Kyle's quite the active crawler ever since Christmas/New Year's vacation. He's gotten to be very quick and he loves exploring. Quite a drastic jump in his physical development.

Here's a video clip of him crawling:

(Notice: he bypasses the toy laid out for him and goes straight for the TV remote!)

Kyle also likes singing now. If you sing, "morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing", he'll sing "ding dang dong, ding dang dong", he'll do a shortcut version of "head and shoulders knees and toes" ("head should-toes") and he tries to sing "twinkle, twinkle, little star" but usually just sings "tinkle tinkle tinkle" and "upabof" (up above). He does do a quick version of the motions that go with "head and shoulders knees and toes" but a lot of the time he just does head or toes. I'll try to get a video of him doing that

Pregnancy Update

Well, we're still debating on the middle name for Audrey (Grace is sounding nice) but she's growing at a steady rate and she seems very healthy. We passed the milestone marker (for us) of 27 weeks and are now at 29 weeks. She moves around a lot and has a very powerful kick. She seems to like caffeine, though. Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a coffee drinker but for the last couple of months I've been addicted to iced coffees. I know that it's not good to have caffeine during pregancy but what can I say? she wants it!

Here's a picture of the little girl herself...

and here's one of the "baby bump"...