Friday, May 2, 2008

Kyle's Progress

Kyle had an appointment with the pulmonologist Tuesday. When he sees the pulmonologist, they also bring in a nutritionist and speech/feeding therapist to consult.

The nutritionist was concerned that the GI had recommended taking Kyle down on feedings but Kyle still isn't taking meals by mouth but the GI doctor said that it should be fine as long as he doesn't lose weight quickly. Kyle had gone from following just below the growth curve to smack dab in the middle of the curve in less than 3 months. Now, he's at the bottom of the growth curve and I explained to the nutritionist that I always ran right below the curve and so did Hannah so I'm not concerned if Kyle falls below the curve again. Genetics dictates it!

The speech/feeding therapist was more concerned with his slow progress in feeding. She recommended that Kyle's therapy be more focused on feeding and occupational therapy than speech and increase days of feeding and occupational therapy each week. She also said we might need to do an intensive 4 week feeding program. I'm not sure how well that would work because that's at All Children's Hospital every day for 4 weeks but we're running out of other options.

We discussed adding more feeding and occupational therapy with his current therapy center and they are going to try to work him in for it.

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