Friday, October 31, 2008

48 Hours at All Children's

One day late August, Kyle was acting really lethargic and kept just falling down and falling asleep where he fell. He didn't really have a fever but I was worried so I brought him to All Children's just to be sure he was okay.

My brother Caleb came to be with me to help out. My mom took Hannah to my grandmother's new apartment to hang out for the evening.

They did all the usual tests - chest x-ray, echocardiogram, blood cultures, etc. and found that his white blood cell count was high (which means he was fighting some kind of infection) and he was dehydrated.

They started him on general antibiotics (since they didn't know what kind of infection he was fighting) and IV fluids and kept him 48 hours to be sure he was okay before discharging him.

Caleb stayed with him part of the time, and Chris and I spent part of the time with him. By the time he was discharged he was his usually bubbly self and it seemed like he had bonded with his Uncle Caleb. When Caleb started to leave our place, Kyle tried to follow him.

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