Saturday, February 3, 2007

From NICU to Home to PICU

Well, Kyle was home for two and a half weeks filled with numerous doctor's check-ups. Wednesday afternoon, Kyle was sounding a little congested. Wednesday night, none of us got any sleep. Kyle was up all night with the congestion. Every time he tried to fall asleep, he'd wake back up, snuffling. We used the bulb syringe several times but it didn't seem to help as much as he needed. Thursday morning, he sounded a little better so Chris and I went to work and school but my mom called a couple of hours later and Chris left work to come home. Kyle had a low-grade fever and the doctor's office said to give him Tylenol and see if the fever went down. The fever did go down but we decided to bring him in to the pediatrician's office anyway. Good thing we did. The pediatrician said that Kyle's saturation levels were dangerously low and he needed to be rushed to All Children's in an ambulance.

I met Chris at the Emergency Room. They started Kyle on the nasal cannula for oxygen and Albuterine breathing treatments. Poor little Kyle was miserable by that point, pretty much gasping between snuffles. The doctor at All Children's said that they were going to go ahead and set Kyle up in a room in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) because he needed to stay on the oxygen and breathing treatments longer so Chris stayed overnight with Kyle and I went home to get a few hours of sleep before going to school. Since the program I'm in is an accelerated program, missing one day of class would be like missing a week of a regular class so I couldn't afford to miss.

Kyle had several labs done as well as an echo and chest x-ray. The doctors said that it looked like an upper respiratory virus. They were able to rule out RSV but Kyle's still pretty miserable. Last night, I went to the hospital and took over watching Kyle so Chris could go home and get some sleep. I ended up getting some pretty good sleep myself since Kyle was pretty wiped out from all the activity the night before and that morning and he slept the entire night.

This morning, the doctor and the cardiologist each came to see Kyle and the cardiologist said that based on the echo from yesterday, they are looking at probably doing the valve replacement surgery (open heart surgery) as soon as Kyle is completely recovered from this virus. This is much sooner than we thought it would be but they think it would be best to do it sooner rather than later.

It's very frustrating to have Kyle back in the hospital after we've only had him home for such a short time.

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